Thursday, July 11, 2013

Session #4, July 10th, 2013

With the July 4th holiday and the NEA Convention, we knew it would be a very short time between our third and fourth sessions. Because of this and to be ready to make our first economic proposal at the fifth session, AHEM and the district teams scheduled a district budget update for this session.

In a flurry of spreadsheets and pie charts, district Chief Financial Officer Michelle Vargas shared the current status of the district budget.  We spent most of the meeting asking a number of questions, particularly about the fund balance, all day every day Kindergarten funding and assumptions about salary and benefits.

Much of what we saw was shared at the May 28th school board meeting. If you visit the district's school board meeting website at May 28, 2013 Meeting, Item 10 - Finance Section you'll find both the video of her presentation and links to the budget information she shared.

We ended with a brief discussion of a proposal about a stipend for "monitoring" an online class.  AHEM negotiators had a number of questions about how a monitor, who is also the teacher of record for the class, differs from an online teacher.  The district would like to revisit this topic as they want to bring in the administrators who made the proposal for detail.

Our next bargaining session will be Wednesday July 24th, 10:00 am - Noon at the AHEM office. Arrive early and we can touch base with you about the agenda. Stay after for a bit and we can get your take on the session and answer any questions. The main item on the agenda will be our economic proposal - that's pay and benefits. Once we get to financials, things really get interesting. Hope to see you there!